
How to configure Thunderbird email client

To add an email account in Thunderbird: Open Tools » Account Settings » Account Actions »...

How To Access Webmail on cPanel

Webmail allows you to access your email accounts through a browser such as Firefox, Internet...

How To Send Email When Your Internet Service Provider Blocks Port 25

OverviewFor years, many hosting providers have been blocking port 25 in an effort to combat spam....

How To Setup A cPanel Email On iPhone

This article will explain how to set up your CloudonHosting email on your iPhone.  Step 1:...

How to change your cPanel / Roundcube email password

Login to your email by going to your domain name with a /webmail at the end. For example in...

How to configure Gmail

Using the website, to pull emails to your Gmail account using POP:...

How to configure iPhone "Mail"

To add an email account into your iPhone's "Mail" app: Open the "Settings" app » "Accounts...

How to setup email forwarders in your cPanel / Roundcube email

An email forwarder allows you to forward on all of your email to a different email account. The...

How to stop SPAM e-mail using Spam Filters

This article describes how to use the Spam Filters tool in cPanel to reduce the amount of...

How to whitelist a domain for SpamAssassin

Introduction The whitelist feature for SpamAssassin only allows email addresses to be...

IMAP vs POP: Which Should You Use?

Choosing an email protocol is part of setting up an email client. Two common email protocols...

Keep number of days of emails on Outlook

1. Open Outlook. 2. Click the File tab > Account settings. 3. Highlight your current POP3...

Resolving Domain has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour error

Resolving domain has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour error Problem When you...

Set up Email Account with Outlook 2013/2016/2019/365

To set up an IMAP and SMTP email account in Outlook for cPanel mailbox, you can follow these...

Set up cPanel email accounts

1. Using cPanel cPanel lets you create email addresses at the domains on your Linux Hosting...

Setup the Roundcube signature placement

If you found the signature placement is not fit to you, you can setup the placement on Roundcube...

To switch from a POP account to an IMAP account in Outlook

To switch from a POP account to an IMAP account in Outlook, follow these steps below: 1. Remove...

Using email forwarders in cPanel allows you to automatically forward emails from one email address to another

Using email forwarders in cPanel allows you to automatically forward emails from one email...