Setup the Roundcube signature placement

If you found the signature placement is not fit to you, you can setup the placement on Roundcube settings.

Login to your email by going to your domain name with a /webmail at the end.

For example in these instructions i will use our domain so will need to use your domain name replacing this.。


Click on Settings > Preferences > Composing Messages, select When replying option. Choose start new message above the quote. After that the signature will follow by the new messages. 



On the webmail home under the “Edit Your Settings” section click “Password & Security”


In the next screen


  1. add in your new password and also confirm it
  2. Or you can click the password generator button and it will create a strong password for you to copy and use
  3. Once done click save

That’s it, you are all done and your email password has been changed.

If you have your email account setup in other devices such as phones and computer you will need to change this new password into your email settings in those devices.

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